"CHIEF" The WARRANT OFFICER CORPS Professional Coin (Large)

$ 8.00

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This beautiful 3D, 4 color (Warrant Officer Brown, Black, White-Silver, Metallic Brass), laminated coin comes in 1 size...large.  A minimum of 2 coins must be ordered to complete an order. 

These coins are highly prized and are not your typical coin that you would present to just anyone! 

The front is adorned with the words "WARRANT OFFICER CORPS" seated above the Eagle with the word "CHIEF" sitting atop the Eagle.  The words "Eagle Rising" sit just below the Eagle with the words U.S. ARMY situated below.

The back of the coin is adorned with all 5 Warrant Officer ranks in the middle with the words "REPRESENTATION, PROFESSIONALISM, RECOGNITION, EXCELLENCE" encircled around them.  


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